What are you looking for help with?

Select the one that best fits you.

We’re asking this to find out whether Flow can help you.

Group 15858-1

We hope we can help.

77% of Flow users see a clinical improvement in their depression within 3 weeks¹.

“For me it was week 3 or 4 - I was starting to think it wasn't going to work and then all of a sudden I woke up one morning and it was like a switch flipped. I felt drastically better. Just more positive, a bit more energy overall. I didn't feel 100%, but I felt more able to work towards it."
- Annie, Flow user


¹Self-reported data through a widely used depression questionnaire called the MADRS-s. A clinical improvement is a 3 point reduction in their depression score.

Group 15858

We hope we can help.

66% of Flow users reported an improvement in their anxiety within 3 weeks¹.

"For me it was week 3 or 4 - I was starting to think it wasn't going to work and then all of a sudden I woke up one morning and it was like a switch flipped. I felt drastically better. Just more positive, a bit more energy overall. I didn't feel 100%, but I felt more able to work towards it."

- Annie, Flow user


¹Self-reported data through a widely used depression questionnaire called the MADRS-s. An improvement is any reduction in their anxiety score.

Group 15858-2

We hope we can help.

77% of Flow users saw a clinical improvement in their depression within 3 weeks¹.

And 66% of Flow users saw an improvement in their anxiety within 3 weeks².

"For me it was week 3 or 4 - I was starting to think it wasn't going to work and then all of a sudden I woke up one morning and it was like a switch flipped. I felt drastically better. Just more positive, a bit more energy overall. I didn't feel 100%, but I felt more able to work towards it."

- Annie, Flow user


¹Self-reported data through a widely used depression questionnaire called the MADRS-s. A clinical improvement is a 3 point reduction in their depression score.

²Self-reported data through a widely used depression questionnaire called the MADRS-s. An improvement is any reduction in their anxiety score.

Group 15858-2

Currently Flow is only licensed to treat depression.

However, the technology that Flow uses has been scientifically proven to help with a wider range of symptoms and conditions.

Which symptoms are you looking for help with?

Select all that apply

We're asking this so we can show you how Flow has helped others with similar symptoms.

Mask group23

Of 1,200 Flow users...

63% saw improvement in their mood...

66% saw improvement in their anxiety...

47% saw improvement in their sleep...

40% saw improvement in their appetite...

62% saw improvement in their concentration...

66% saw improvement in their initiative levels...

62% saw improvement in their emotional involvement...

69% saw improvement in their pessimism...

...within 3 weeks¹.

“After 3 weeks I had become more positive, my head was clearer. I felt less cluttered, more relaxed, and anxious thoughts decreased.”
- Jade, Flow user


¹Self-reported data through a widely used depression questionnaire called the MADRS-s. An improvement is any reduction in their score.

Are you currently on antidepressant medication?

We’re asking this to give you the best medical advice when using Flow.

Group 15859

You can use Flow alongside antidepressants.

We know that people can struggle from the side-effects of antidepressants. Less than 5% of Flow users¹ experience side effects, all of which are minor. The most common are skin redness and skin irritation - both of which are localised to the area of skin that comes in contact with the headset pads, and temporary (the majority clearing within 24 hours).


¹Self-reported data from over 20,000 Flow users

Group 15859

You can use Flow alongside antidepressants, just make sure to speak with your doctor before changing your dosage.

We know that people can struggle from the side-effects of antidepressants. Less than 5% of Flow users¹ experience side effects, all of which are minor. The most common are skin redness and skin irritation - both of which are localised to the area of skin that comes in contact with the headset pads, and temporary (the majority clearing within 24 hours).


¹Self-reported data from over 20,000 Flow users

Group 15859

We know antidepressants aren’t for everyone.

Unlike antidepressants, Flow is non-invasive and targets the brain directly.

Less than 5% of Flow users¹ experience side effects, all of which are minor. The most common are skin redness and skin irritation - both of which are localised to the area of skin that comes in contact with the headset pads, and temporary (the majority clearing within 24 hours).


¹ Self-reported data from over 20,000 Flow users

Group 15859

We know antidepressants aren’t for everyone.

Unlike antidepressants, Flow is non-invasive and targets the brain directly.

Less than 5% of Flow users¹ experience side effects, all of which are minor. The most common are skin redness and skin irritation - both of which are localised to the area of skin that comes in contact with the headset pads, and temporary (the majority clearing within 24 hours).


¹ Self-reported data from over 20,000 Flow users

Are you familiar with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)?

This is the technology that the Flow headset uses to treat depression.

Mask group

Great - we’ll spare the science lesson!

Group 15876

Here’s a short reminder of how Flow works:

When you experience depression, there are lower levels of activity in the front area of your brain, or to be more specific the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. This is the part responsible for regulating mood, sleep and motivation.

Your brain runs on electrical impulses; Flow sends a gentle electrical current of 2 milliamps through 2 pads on your forehead into the area that has slowed down. This gets cells firing again, restoring brain function and can reduce your symptoms of depression.

The technology is called tDCS - or transcranial Direct Current Stimulation.

Group 15876

Here’s a short explanation of how Flow works:

When you experience depression, there are lower levels of activity in the front area of your brain, or to be more specific the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. This is the part responsible for regulating mood, sleep and motivation.

Your brain runs on electrical impulses; Flow sends a gentle electrical current of 2 milliamps through 2 pads on your forehead into the area that has slowed down. This gets cells firing again, restoring brain function and can reduce your symptoms of depression.

The technology is called tDCS - or transcranial Direct Current Stimulation.

Can you fit Flow into your daily life?

Flow is used for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week for the first 3 weeks. This is the activation phase which activates the neural network.

It then drops to 2 days a week. This is the strengthening phase which supports the progress made in the activation phase.

You can do other things while using Flow - replying to emails, eating dinner, meditating.

Group 15877

We’re glad to hear it.

Based on what you've told us, Flow could benefit you. And if it doesn’t, you can return it to get your money back.

Group 15877-1

Finding a routine that works for you is key to sticking with Flow.

If you’re not able to fit Flow in to your daily routine, you can return it to get your money back.