Flow & the NHS

Flow’s mission is to make mental health care more accessible.

Therefore, our aim is for Flow to be available on the NHS to ensure as many people as possible can access our depression treatment.

Currently you can only access Flow through the NHS if you live in West London, Northamptonshire or Leicestershire, or if you are a UK-based NHS clinician suffering from depression.

Clinician rounded

Read what the NHS are saying about Flow

Click the papers below to read the full article.


"Having an intervention which is effective, measurable and with limited side effects is very promising."


"Flow has been successfully integrated into a primary care service depression treatment"


"The results support the use of Flow as a treatment option for Community Mental Health patients with symptoms of depression."


"Northamptonshire's Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service are offering Flow to their patients with a diagnosis of depression"


"The findings underscore the potential of Flow as a non-pharmacological intervention for depression."

Six programmes live

Since March 2023 Flow has been available on the NHS to thousands of people across 6 programmes in Primary Care, Community Mental Health, Perinatal Services, Crisis Service and to NHS clinicians via NHS Practitioner Health. These programmes are primarily focused on whether Flow can be easily integrated into how clinicians work in the NHS.

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Primary Care

Since March 2023 Flow has been successfully offered to patients as an alternative to antidepressants or therapy at select GP practices in Northamptonshire.

The results of the programme have been independently measured by Northamptonshire NHS Foundations Trust, who have published two studies describing the results. The first study concluded that "Flow has been successfully integrated into a primary care service depression treatment". The second study concluded that "PHQ-9 reliable improvement and remission rates were 58.1% and 32.3%...tDCS has evidence as an effective depression treatment, the widespread availability of tDCS in primary care general practice should be considered".

Read what our Primary Care patients are saying

The effect Flow had, I think it’s been quite groundbreaking for me and my depression and anxiety, it’s been a life changer.

I’m feeling better in myself. I feel more confident, and I feel less anxious about being myself, and I’ll chat with people in the supermarket.

It’s had a tremendous impact in terms of positivity and wanting to get involved in doing things.

I say my sleeping improved pretty quickly, after using it….I think within the first week.

I’ve gained confidence...I’m actually making sure that I do take part in life now and not just withdraw.

I can hold a conversation now. Whereas previously, I couldn’t think of how to keep a conversation going.

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Perinatal services

Since September 2023, Flow has been offered to women suffering from postpartum depression and maternal loss who do not want to use antidepressants in Northamptonshire.

The Northamptonshire NHS Foundations Trust have published a study describing the results, saying "Participants reported positive experiences with Flow...Participants appreciated a non-medication treatment alternative and reported improvements in depressive symptoms, mood, sleep quality, and overall well-being."

Dr Carol Abraham, Specialty Doctor from NHFT Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service said “We are pleased to be able to offer tDCS as part of a range of therapies as reviewed by NICE for the treatment of depression, especially as sometimes mothers prefer not to take medication if they are breastfeeding.”

Read what our Perinatal patients are saying

I was walking around in a fog and I'm not now.

My depression is a lot better now. I've actually spoken to my psychiatrist about reducing my anti-depressant medication, which is great.

I feel like it’s easier to get out of bed in the morning. There’s not the negative intrusive thoughts anymore, so I feel that’s a drastic improvement.

I have a lot of issues with waking up. About four weeks into using Flow that stopped. My sleep is much better, which helps to deal with the other symptoms of depression and anxiety.

My eating has gone back to normal now. Before I used the Flow I wasn't really eating properly.

I started exercising since starting Flow, and I’ve just got that motivation and that that drive. Which is something I’ve lacked a lot of.


Community Mental Health

From July 2023, Flow has been offered in combination with other treatments such as antidepressants or therapy.

Will McIlhiney, a Community Mental Health Practitioner, said: “Being able to offer Flow has been very well received from our patient group. One of the common themes I notice when I discuss Flow with a patient is that people feel optimistic that there are other options for them."

The Northamptonshire Trust concluded that Flow had been successfully integrated into a primary care service depression treatment, and that the results support the use of Flow as a treatment option for people with symptoms of depression.

Read what our Community Mental Health patients are saying

I think it’s massively helped my symptoms of depression; I just wish it had been offered years ago.

I just feel lighter, in general… I feel a lot more confident… I don’t feel like I am so bogged down by my own brain.

Three months ago I was suicidal, I just wasn’t functioning as a person. I was having some periods of time off work. I was non communicative with my partner...everything now just feels brighter, and I feel a lot more kind of present in life.

I feel like I’ve got my sense of humour back. I don’t find it exhausting being around people anymore. Whereas now I can be myself.

Now I will sleep all the way through... It really has made a difference. I just think because my moods lifted, like my brain is quieter. That was the issue before that I just couldn’t switch off and relax.

Feeling a bit more positive, I’ve recognised that actually interacting and socialising with people more, it’s actually good for me.

Mark McConnochie Headshot

Crisis Service

In April 2024 Leicestershire Partnership Trust began offering Flow as an alternative to an antidepressant or therapy, or as an adjunctive treatment for those already on a stable dose of an antidepressant.

Flow is offered to patients who are at risk of admission to hospital and need intensive treatment, and the goal is to help more people recover in their own homes, avoiding the need to go into hospital.

Consultant Psychiatrist Mark McConnochie said: "Since offering Flow we have found that patients are improving quickly and have fewer difficulties with side effects….We are seeing rapid improvements in patients who have been struggling with severe depressive symptoms for many years, and it is allowing us to treat more patients at home in a far better environment to promote recovery in their mental health journey."


NHS Practitioner Health

Since January 2024, NHS clinicians that are suffering from depression will now be offered Flow as a treatment option via NHS Practitioner Health.

This is our first UK-wide programme involving NHS practitioners as we strive to support those who dedicate their lives to helping others.

Our NHS programmes in the media


"The NHS is extending trials to cover postnatal depression and NHS medical staff who have depression."

Sky News Logo

"Electric headset for treating depression recommended as widespread treatment after NHS trial."

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“This innovative technology is a significant milestone in mental health care"

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"For the NHS a rollout of the technique could save money on prescriptions and improve take-up of treatment"


Dr Azhar Zafar uses Flow with his patients

Dr Azhar is leading one of 6 NHS programmes across the UK to see if GPs can integrate Flow into their current workflows:

“Flow has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our patients, who have reported improvements in their emotional well-being, increased energy levels, and overall functioning. Patients experience minimal discomfort or side effects during its use. Some patients have come off their antidepressants as a result of using Flow."

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Our future with the NHS

These programmes are just the start of Flow’s efforts to ensure patients can access its treatment via the NHS, and Flow is in active conversations to try and bring its depression treatment to other regions.

If you work within the NHS and would like to see Flow offered to your patients, please contact partnerships@flowneuroscience.com.

If you are a patient and would like to speak to your clinician (GP, Psychiatrist) about Flow, we'd recommend taking this information leaflet with you.